[2023] Motion 44 Artificial intelligence

Composited motion

Received from:

This Congress notes the accelerated pace of developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and the range of issues this creates for workers and wider society, and welcomes the work to date by the TUC.

Congress notes with concern the proliferation and widespread deployment of generative AI, allowing systems to generate text, images and other media, similar to the training data originally inputted.

This poses clear and immediate issues – including breaches of copyright, threats to jobs and freelance work and the undermining of original content from diverse creators. It risks malign fake news environments creating serious ethical concerns and resulting in the continued decline of public trust in the media. Scraping un- curated content off the internet also serves to embed and reinforce biases.

These issues are vital to all workers, and particular to those in the wider creative industries, risking individual livelihoods and the erosion of a vibrant creative sector in the UK.

Congress notes that AI has the capacity to affect humanity profoundly, for good as well as ill, yet its development is driven by private corporations whose work is subject to minimal public oversight.

Congress instructs the General Council to:

i. develop and widen the work of the TUC’s AI working group.

ii. campaign for ethical usage of AI, with consent and appropriate remuneration of creators for their content.

iii. campaign against the use of AI in workplaces without explicit collective agreement.

iv. lobby for AI regulation nationally and internationally, including an urgent UK royal commission.

National Union of Journalists


› Insert new point iv.:
“iv. campaign for information and labelling to be attached/attributed to all ‘products and all creative work that has been ‘made‘ or ‘constructed’ by AI .
› Renumber existing point – “iv.” to “v.”
Artists’ Union England