Received from: Prospect, Unite
Emergency motion
Congress is concerned that the announcement by EDF Energy on 27 August to bring forward the closure of Hunterston nuclear power station by January 2022, and the further significant and credible risk that other EDF nuclear stations will follow suit, will have a devastating impact on the UK nuclear fuel supply chain, the UK’s energy security and its indigenous nuclear fuel manufacturing capacity.
This decision places into immediate jeopardy the future of Springfields Fuels Ltd, the UK’s only nuclear fuel manufacturer, supporting 4,000 skilled jobs in the North West of England.
The Government’s industrial strategy pledged to ensure continued operation of these facilities and secure the long-term future of these important UK strategic national assets
Urgent strategic intervention is needed to secure this goal, including commitment to a replacement nuclear programme that will provide a future market for UK-produced fuel as well as helping to meet the UK’s net zero commitments.
Congress therefore calls on the General Council to:
i. Lobby government to take immediate steps to establish a tripartite forum, including the recognised unions, to secure the future of Springfields Fuels and the high quality jobs that it supports;
ii. Press for early publication of an Energy White Paper and support a Westminster Parliamentary debate that commits to support for nuclear as part of a low carbon energy future, including manufacturing capacity and jobs in the supply chain;
iii. Ensure any future UK nuclear power stations source their fuel from UK manufacturers.
Moved: Prospect
Seconded: Unite