[2022] Motion 08 A national food strategy – a missed opportunity

Composited motion

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Congress last year welcomed the publication of the government-commissioned report into the national food system by Henry Dimbleby, which the prime minister promised would form the basis of a white paper providing a real opportunity to position Britain as a leader in food, health and the environment.

The government food strategy was finally published on 13 June 2022.

Congress condemns the government strategy for not going far enough to address the links between food and health and for largely ignoring the recommendations made by its own lead advisor.

Congress asserts that this is not a strategy but rather a statement of intent based on a narrow-minded ideology of voluntarism and individual responsibility.

Congress is dismayed that the strategy fails commit to recommendations including:

i. measures to enable the import of food with high animal welfare and environmental standards

ii. a 30 per cent reduction in meat and dairy consumption

iii. the introduction of a sugar and salt tax

iv. adequate public health measures

v. tackling rising food prices

vi. significant expansion of free school meals

vii. taking a stand on climate change.

Congress calls on the General Council to work with the BDA and others to press government to introduce legislation implementing the recommendations of the Dimbleby report.

British Dietetic Association


› Add new final paragraph:

“Congress calls on the General Council to insist that any UK food strategy is subject to a worker-led ‘Just Transition’ to ensure a future of good, unionised jobs including for the 175,000 workers in the meat and dairy industries.”
