Received from: Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers
The TUC is deeply concerned by the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the UK retail sector.
According to figures from the British Retail Consortium, lockdown is estimated to have cost ‘bricks and mortar’ non-food retailers £1.8bn per week in lost sales. This year we have already seen several well-known retailers falling into administration, closing stores and cutting jobs.
The TUC believes that the retail sector needs an urgent recovery plan and that workers in retail, distribution and clothing manufacturing need action to protect their livelihoods.
The TUC agrees to campaign for:
i. a recovery plan from government to address the challenges facing the retail sector urgently
ii. a fundamental reform of business rates
iii. an immediate and comprehensive review of rental values and lease arrangements, including further measures to prevent commercial landlords taking legal action for rental defaults during this crisis
iv. a reform of tax laws to ensure that companies pay their fair share of tax through tackling tax avoidance as well as creating a more level playing field between online and bricks and mortar retailers
v. funding for local authorities so they can invest in their local economy, transport networks and high streets
vi. investment in skills for retail workers, including through union learning and high quality apprenticeships
vii. a new deal for retail, distribution and home delivery workers based around a real living wage and guaranteed hours.
At this time of economic uncertainty, workers need stronger protections against redundancy and dismissal with rights from day one of employment.
Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers