Received from: EIS
Congress believes that pensions are deferred pay and condemns the fact that the UK government has worsened public sector pensions.
Congress calls on the UK government and the Scottish government to immediately redress a key detriment suffered by members in amended public sector pension schemes, whereby such members cannot access pension benefits accrued before normal pension age (NPA) without punitive actuarial reductions.
Congress further notes with concern:
i. the increase in the gender pay gap for full-time workers reported by the ONS for 2020–21
ii. that most women still earn less than men.
Congress is clear that that the gender pay gap contributes to the gender pension gap.
Congress believes that closing the gender pay gap must be a higher priority for government, employers and the trade union movement. The gender pay gap leads to a lifetime of reduced pay and pension incomes for women that put many into poverty.
Congress believes that there should be enhanced shared parental leave entitlements, and more and better flexible working options for parents- both mothers and fathers.
Congress further believes that all sectors should form gender pay taskforces to tackle gender pay gap issues within specific areas of employment. National collective bargaining bodies may be a means of doing so in several sectors.
Congress instructs the General Council to coordinate the campaigning activity of affiliates towards:
a. improving public sector pensions, including access to pension benefits before NPA without punitive reductions
b. closing the gender pay gap.
Educational Institute of Scotland
› In paragraph 3, add new sub-paragraph iii.:
“iii. that gender pension issues are particularly prevalent in the public sector where the majority of workers are women.”
Society of Radiographers