Motion 24 Protect arts workers’ freedom of expression

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Carried motion

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Congress notes with concern recent statements by Arts Council England (ACE) which have threatened the freedom of expression of artists in receipt of public funding. In February 2024, ACE issued an update to its Relationship Framework, which sets out its expectations of grantees, warning that “activity that might be considered to be overtly political or activist”, including activity by “individuals associated with the organisation acting in a personal capacity” can cause “reputational risk” and breach funding agreements.

Although the guidance was later revised in response to outcry from artists, a Freedom of Information request by Equity revealed that it had been formulated after a meeting with the government titled “Reputational risk relating to Israel-Gaza conflict”, demonstrating the degree of political interference from ministers in the purportedly independent ACE.

Therefore, Congress calls on the TUC to:

i. affirm that artists and arts organisations should be free to critique institutions and bring attention to issues through overtly political art without fear of censorship or losing their public funding

ii. ensure the government delivers a meaningful review of the Arts Council including in respect of its independence from political interference from government

iii. lobby the government and the Arts Council to work with trade unions to produce guidance which affirms artists’ freedom of expression and makes clear that attempts to censor artists represent a risk to organisations and their public funding.



At the end of bullet point ii., add:
“including its appointment and decision-making processes”
Artists’ Union England