Received from: AUE
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Congress notes the:
i. value of arts for society in terms of creativity, wellbeing and mental health, education, understanding our complex histories, and the pivotal role the arts play in social justice and healing.
ii. importance of the creative arts to the UK economy (£109bn contributed in 2021)
iii. need for creative workers for fair and equal pay, dignity respect and rights including freelance artists
iv. necessity for a sustainable future for artist practices
v. necessity of arts education being accessible for all
Instructs the TUC to support and lobby for:
a. a restoration and increase of public funding of the arts, as well as the exploration of new avenues for funding artists, including start-up grants for cooperatives.
b. more transparent and diverse appointments to the Arts Council and other cultural bodies, with artist representatives involved in decision-making at every level. An end to nepotism and the opening of access to opportunities, influence and resources.
c. an end to the low or no pay culture in the arts,
d. a recognition that artwork is work, and that addressing artists’ precarious, low-paid working conditions is crucial to addressing inequalities in the arts.
e. arts education to be restored to the curriculum within primary, secondary, further and higher education.
f. access to arts education accessible for anyone at any age.
g. artistic exchange across borders, including easing restrictions for exhibiting artist work.
h. a coordinated approach to the creative arts in the UK.
Artists’ Union England