[2021] Motion 32 The right to food

Composited motion

Received from:

Congress recognises that we are seeing a crisis of food poverty born out of the political choices and systemic failings created over the past four decades, which have now reached a tipping point for so many in our communities.

The right to adequate food is a fundamental human right, firmly established in international law. Yet many in the UK find themselves in a position where due to a lack of income they have no access to adequate food, never mind decent nutritious food.

Congress recognises the fantastic work of Ian Byrne MP in putting pressure on Henry Dimbleby to include the right to food in the National Food Strategy and notes that this is the first independent review of England’s entire food system for 75 years. Its purpose is to set out a vision for the kind of food system we should be building for the future, and a plan for how to achieve that vision.

The “Right To Food” campaign is arguing that the 11 million people in food poverty should be central to this strategy.

Congress calls on the TUC and its affiliated unions to support the “Right To Food” campaign because enshrining the right to food into law would clarify government obligations on food poverty and would introduce legal avenues to hold government bodies accountable for violations and raise millions out of food poverty.

Bakers, Food and Allied Workers’ Union


At end of paragraph 3, add “Yet the NFS consulted no unions.”

Add a new final paragraph:

“Congress also calls on the General Council to demand the government:

i. consults unions to inform its White Paper

ii. introduces sector collective bargaining, and reinstates the English AWB

iii. tackles supply chain inequality, ensuring profits go to workers, including impoverished food workers, not just investors.”
