Received from: TUC Disabled Workers Conference
The social model of disability should be at the heart of PIP claims to ensure disabled people’s independence and dignity.
It is extremely difficult to navigate through the protracted PIP claim especially when the assessment procedure creates an openly hostile environment and, in many cases culminates in an inconsistent and uncaring conclusion.
The PIP assessment is based on one size fits all, coupled with the lack of quality trained assessors with understanding of all impairments. This process discriminates particularly, against those with non-apparent impairments as they have no signpost that shows obvious indications regarding their condition.
Additionally, the DWP insists on evidence to support each claim. This becomes another hurdle for claimants having to identify proof that could be supplied showing their ability to carry out normal daily activities.
To stop this humiliating and dehumanising process, Conference calls upon Disabled Workers Committee/General Council to demand that the government and the DWP establish a new fairer system by:
i. introducing quality assessments replacing the current tick box exercise and include a discussion with a medical professional who will make an informed decision
ii. rethinking work and the individual’s impairment
iii. providing genuine support for neurodiverse people and those with other non-apparent impairments
iv. ending privatisation.
TUC Disabled Workers Conference