Received from: TUC Black Workers Conference
Congress believes that the ethnicity pay gap (EPG) is a major cause of in-work poverty experienced by Black workers and the cause of severe intergenerational inequality in Black communities.
The EPG is as high as 23.8 per cent in London with huge regional variations across the UK.
In 2017, the government committed in its manifesto to ask large employers to publish information on their ethnicity pay gaps. In 2020, only 11 per cent of companies had published this information.
The introduction of this important measure is needed to identify the disparities within the workforce and forces employers to be accountable.
Congress notes that UNISON Black workers are committed to addressing issues on racial equality and believe this campaign must be a priority for the TUC Race Relations Committee.
Congress calls on the General Council and the TUC Race Relations Committee to:
Idemand the TUC and the Anti-Racism Task Force make closing the EPG a key priority to tackle the racial and regional pay inequality face by Black workers
i. develop an action plan for use in the workplace including a collective bargaining and legal strategy.
ii. produce a TUC toolkit to implement mandatory ethnicity pay gap reporting and for the Equality and Human Rights Commission to make EPG an equality priority.
TUC Black Workers Conference