Received from: TUC LGBT+ Conference
Conference notes with increasing concern:
i. the growing prevalence of hate speech on social media, the media in general and beyond, seemingly with impunity
ii. the impact the government’s anti-trans agenda has had on attitudes towards trans people, with trans hate crime continuing to rise each year
iii. the upsurge in hate crimes against LGBT+ people, especially those resulting from the current torrent of transphobia in political and civil life in the UK
iv. that LGBT+ civil rights are increasingly under attack from authoritarian nationalists and reactionary religious organisations across the world
v. that Conservative and right-wing populists are funding and supporting international networks that promote populism that is racist, misogynist, anti-disablist as well as homophobic, biphobic and transphobic, and these are active in the UK.
vi. the impact of this anti-trans agenda on pupils and staff in schools and colleges who are trans and non-binary
vii. Conference condemns the toxic nature of the language and narrative used by senior members of the Westminster government, in its fight against so-called ‘culture wars.’
Conference asserts that such harmful narratives will further expose such pupils and staff to further bullying, harassment and hate language.
Conference believes:
a. that such language ‘borders’ on hate speech and only serves to drive the agenda of the far-right and perpetuate myths and stereotypes around minority and vulnerable groups
b. that transphobia biphobia and homophobia are key gateways to the ideology of the far-right today and must be specifically challenged by our movement.
Conference calls on the TUC to:
1. robustly challenge all forms of anti-trans narratives and hate speech, government policies or guidance that promote anti-trans narratives
2. recognise and promote the importance of challenging homophobia. biphobia and transphobia in:
– trade union political education on the far right
– TUC campaigns on fighting fascism
3. defend all LGBT+ workers from the actions of far-right organisations that attack LGBT+ events including prides, drag storytimes and groups supporting trans inclusion
4. speak out when LGBT+ rights are under threat across the world, and that LGBT+ voices are included.
Conference also calls on the TUC to challenge all forms of anti-trans narratives and hate speech by:
I. providing/facilitating training for affiliates on difficult/challenging conversations on securing LGBTI equality
II. promoting, supporting, and celebrating allyship for LGBTI communities.
TUC Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender+ Conference