Received from: Unison
Congress is alarmed by the ongoing crisis in adult social care across the UK
Congress notes that there are 150,000 vacancies in the sector, with thousands of elderly and disabled people not receiving the levels of support they need, while extractive providers continue to bleed profits from the system.
Congress believes this crisis has been caused by a toxic combination of years of chronic underfunding, privatisation and workforce exploitation.
Congress notes that employment in the sector is frequently insecure and largely underpaid, often illegally so. Proper sick pay remains elusive for thousands of care workers, along with training and progression opportunities. Congress is particularly alarmed at the exploitation of the migrant workforce.
Given these problems, Congress welcomes plans in the Labour manifesto to establish a Fair Pay Agreement in adult social care to set fair pay, terms and conditions, along with training standards.
Congress also welcomes wider plans to create a national care service, underpinned by national standards.
Congress believes it is essential that the sector is sustainable and that this requires removing profit from care and increasing council provided care. Unions must hold Labour to account on its plans to ensure providers behave responsibly.
Congress therefore calls on the General Council to:
i. support the development of a Fair Pay Agreement in adult social care
ii. campaign for a credible workforce strategy and an end to the exploitation of migrant workers
iii. work with other organisations in the sector demanding change and the development of a national care service.
After the fourth paragraph, insert:
“Congress also believes that there is a need for drastic improvements to pension schemes in the sector. Employer contributions must rise to encourage retention of the workforce and make it a more desirable and long-lasting career for new entrants.”
In bullet point ii. after “campaign for a credible workforce strategy” insert “including high-quality training,” Add new final bullet point:
“iv. support campaigns for pension improvements”