Received from: NAHT
Merged into composite 09
Congress notes that the real-terms cuts to school funding since 2015 are having a devastating impact in schools, with the majority of schools anticipating a deficit budget by 2020 on current funding plans. Schools have already made every efficiency possible and now face cuts to teaching and support staff jobs.
This is hurting children, narrowing opportunities and having the greatest impact on the ability to support our most vulnerable pupils with special educational needs and disability. As every area of school expenditure is being cut, school buildings are starting to fall into disrepair and schools are having to ask parents for basic equipment.
Congress praises the campaigning on school funding, undertaken by trade unions representing school leaders, teachers and support staff, as well as parents and school-funding campaigns across the country, but there is more to do. We cannot deliver a world-class education system on the cheap at the very time that a post-Brexit Britain will require investment in our children and young people.
Congress calls on the government to:
i. recognise that like the NHS, education is critical to underpin our society
ii. use the Autumn Budget to invest in education to reverse real terms cuts in education.
Congress calls on the General Council to:
a. lobby the government to address real terms cuts to school budgets
b. ensure that the needs of all children and young people are addressed to achieve equal access to a good education for all, including those pupils with
special educational needs and disabilities.
National Association of Head Teachers