Received from: NASUWT
Congress is deeply concerned by the evidence from the NASUWT’s Annual Big Question survey, which shows that:
i. over four-fifths of teachers believe that their job has impacted negatively on their wellbeing
ii. over three-quarters of teachers believe that they have experienced more workplace stress over the last year
iii. almost two-thirds of teachers believe that the job had adversely affected their mental health in the last year.
Congress believes that the current environment in schools is now toxic for the majority of teachers and that this has been exacerbated by recent government reforms to education, by the impact of increasing levels of poverty upon pupils and by the government’s negative attitude towards workers’ rights and health and safety.
Congress is further concerned about mounting signs of mental health and wellbeing issues for pupils in schools. Congress believes that there is a direct link between the mental health and wellbeing of teachers and that of their pupils.
Congress believes that the long-term consequences of these problems could be catastrophic upon the country as a whole.
Congress commits the General Council to press the government to:
a. recognise the issues and address the causes of poor mental health and wellbeing in school
b. understand and promote health and safety regulation and legislation as an avenue for addressing specific health and wellbeing issues in schools
c. work with the TUC to promote and enhance workers’ rights, recognising the importance of such rights in creating healthy working environments.
- Add “and school support staff” at end of motion title › Insert new paragraph 2:
“Congress notes GMB analysis revealing that 2,800 teaching assistants and 3,000 additional school support staff members lost their jobs during 2017.” - In existing paragraph 2, after “teachers” insert “and school support staff” › In existing paragraph 3, after “teachers” insert “and school support staff” › In final paragraph, add at end of sub-paragraph c.: “for all who work in schools.”