[2018] ** Motion 61 NHS pay

carried motion
Carried motion

Received from:

Congress notes the change of direction in NHS pay rates away from austerity.

The recent pay offers in England, Scotland and Wales were achieved by the NHS unions working together for the greater good of NHS workers.

This model of joint working, with the support of the TUC, should be welcomed and saw real negotiations take place for the first time in a number of years.

Whilst these agreements will go some way to re-building pay rates in the NHS it needs to be acknowledged that NHS workers are still suffering the effects of austerity and the job is not yet finished.

Congress therefore calls on the General Council to continue to work with NHS unions in the years to come to ensure that our members can continue the journey towards decent pay to acknowledge the hard work and commitment of our members.

The College of Podiatry


  • Add at end of paragraph 4:
    “For example, investment in senior bands and reform of boardroom pay is still required. We need to remove disincentives for staff, especially clinicians, to seek
    promotion into management roles and to ensure that – as originally intended – Agenda for Change supports NHS career paths from porter to chief executive.”