Received from: UCU
Congress notes:
i. Labour has set out plans for a decade of national renewal focused on the interests of working people.
ii. over a decade of brutal cuts to post-16 education and arts funding have stripped away opportunities for learning, skills development and cultural engagement, especially for those in marginalised communities.
Congress believes that post-16 education has a crucially important role to play in building careers, competencies and communities – all of which are central to the mission of national renewal. It is also vitally important in supporting the UK’s response to the challenges posed by climate change and technological advancement.
A publicly funded post-16 education sector is central to the renewal Labour has said they want to see, and that the UK so desperately needs.
Congress resolves to lobby the government for meaningful investment in all forms of post-16 education – whether in colleges, universities, community settings or prisons – for developing the skills and opportunities needed to make the ambition of national renewal a reality
University College Union