Motion 69 Health and safety in school buildings

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Congress notes that many of our school buildings are in a state of serious disrepair. Every day 700,000 pupils, together with their teachers and support staff, work in buildings that are past their design life are poorly maintained and potentially unsafe.

Congress further understands that Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) has been found in over 230 schools in England causing 100 schools to be closed, while surveys and remedial works took place. 119 schools will need one or more buildings to be completely rebuilt. The same is true of asbestos (although not used in constructions since 1999), around three-quarters of UK schools are reported to still contain asbestos.

Congress supports the call to create a central digital register of all asbestos in non-domestic buildings, describing its location and type and further calls upon the TUC to:

i. work with the government to create a national strategy for the planned removal of all asbestos containing materials. This includes identifying properties most in need of urgent action and clear guidance on the safe disposal of asbestos.

ii. work with employers to put in place routine air monitoring in schools containing asbestos so that we can understand and act on areas of high risk.

iii. work with key stakeholders to develop a strategy for the replacement of school buildings that are past their design life.

iv. increase investment in the school rebuilding programme (and future programmes) to ensure the school estate is safe and fit for purpose.
