[2018] ** Motion 76 International Labour Organization

carried motion
Carried motion

Received from:

Congress notes that 2019 will be the centenary of the International Labour Organization (ILO), the only part of the UN system that is genuinely tripartite.

We welcome the work that the ILO has done to protect and advance workers’ and trade unions rights, and affirm that the core labour standards of the ILO – covering child and forced labour, discrimination at work and freedom of association and collective bargaining – are not just trade union rights but human rights.

We welcome the work that the ILO Commission on the Future of Work is doing to address the challenges of new employment arrangements.

Congress calls on governments and employers’ organisations here and around the world to work with the global trade union movement to conclude ILO conventions on the current proposals: workplace aspects of gender-based violence and global supply chains. Congress demands that all current ILO conventions should be ratified and implemented in the UK (including those covering pay), and the core ILO labour standards should form a key part of UK development, foreign, migration and trade policy.

Congress calls on the government, in particular, to ensure that the ILO is properly funded and plays a key role in the work of international institutions such as the G7 and G20.



  • Insert new paragraphs 3 and 4:
    “Congress is appalled by the evidence of increased attacks on freedom of speech, freedom of association and the right to strike worldwide.
    “Congress congratulates the ILO for highlighting labour rights violations and urges the TUC to continue to assist the ILO in challenging these attacks at home and abroad.”