Received from: TUC Disabled Workers Conference
This conference agrees to stand with the RMT who is opposing plans by the government and train companies to close nearly one thousand ticket offices across the rail network.
We believe that ticket offices and station staffing must be protected in order to maintain passenger service, safety, security and accessibility.
These plans are not about improving the passenger experience, but rather cutting jobs and protecting the profits of the train companies.
We know that closing ticket offices will worsen the passenger experience, safety, security and accessibility. The impacts will be particularly severe for disabled people, elderly passengers and those requiring additional support.
Elderly and disabled people, and people on low incomes are less likely to have access to the internet and are excluded by the push to online and electronic ticketing.
One of the key concerns is that station ticket machines are often not accessible to disabled people, who may also not be able to track down a “roving” member of staff if they need assistance.
We ask the TUC to encourage all trade union members to take part in the consultation process and work with the RMT on their campaign to stop this attack on our safety and accessibility.
Disabled Workers Conference