Received from: CWU
Merged into Composite 02
Congress strongly condemns the government for its inept handling of the Brexit process. As set out in the General Council statement agreed at Congress last year, Congress continues to believe that in order to bring together workers, we must respect the referendum result and continue to call for a ”jobs- and rights-first Brexit.“
Any Brexit deal must enshrine and enhance working rights, social and environmental protections; maintain the Good Friday agreement and prevent a hard border in Northern Ireland; secure a customs union with the EU; and protect barrier-free access to the single market.
Congress agrees that the General Council should campaign against any deal that does not meet these tests with the aim of forcing an early general election to secure a Labour government with a mandate for a Brexit deal that puts working people first.
Congress agrees that the trade union movement has a responsibility to unify all workers whether they voted leave or remain and the best way of achieving this is to directly link the fight for a new deal for workers in the UK with the TUC’s work on Brexit.
Congress also agrees that we must continue to fight for reform of the EU to promote the interests of workers across Europe.
Communication Workers Union