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Congress expresses deep frustration and anger that, despite the efforts of families, campaigners and trade unions, and promises of change, Britain appears no closer to eradicating institutional and other racism.
Covid’s disproportionate impact on the BME community has highlighted long-standing, structural race inequality. The killing of George Floyd has brought into focus not only police brutality against people of colour, but also global inequalities in health, education and employment.
In a study published in July, the Kings Fund found that in the NHS – Britain’s biggest employer – BME staff feel they have not been given equal opportunities to progress in their careers and that they have been denied developmental opportunities that come readily to white colleagues. Very few people at the most senior levels of the NHS reflect them. And, on top of that, each working day can mean facing a range of
From three case studies of NHS employers, the think-tank identified changes that could make a difference: improving staff development and career progression, providing psychologically safe routes for raising concerns (specifically by appointing ‘freedom to speak up’ guardians) and staff networks.
Unions are the voice of working people. Solidarity is central to our movement but solidarity alone is not enough – unions must be a driving force in anti-racist campaigning to bring about immediate and sustained action to end inequality.
Congress calls on the TUC to continue and extend its work in this area, campaigning on the national and international stage as well as in workplaces.
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Add at the end of paragraph 3:
“The most recent NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) report found that 29 per cent of BME staff face bullying, harassment or abuse from colleagues, an increase on the previous year.”
Royal College of Midwives