Received from: TUC LGBT+ Conference
Congress recognises that while the global pandemic took hold during the last year, this has not stopped far-right governments of the world from continuing to pursue their anti-LGBT+ agendas, and that this has included countries within Europe, including Hungary and Poland.
Congress notes the comments of the EU Commissioner in September that LGBT+ Free zones do not belong in the EU and her criticism of the Law and Justice Party in Poland. Congress will continue to work with affiliates of the ETUC to promote LGBT+ equality Europe-wide at work and in wider society.
Congress believes that leaving the European Union should not prevent the United Kingdom from being a/the leading voice for LGBT+ equality and citizens around the world and standing up against anti-LGBT+ regimes on the global stage, particularly those stemming from previous British imperialism and colonial rule under the Commonwealth.
Congress calls on the incoming TUC LGBT+ Committee to work with the TUC General Council and international partners to work with our LGBT+ communities based overseas to reaffirm our commitment to their struggle and to develop a package of strategies, led by the needs of those directly involved in local LGBT+ campaigning, for a campaign in support of international LGBT+ equality.
Congress calls on the General Council to subsequently launch this campaign in conjunction with the TUC and affiliates to maximise awareness of the campaign and to highlight how LGBT+ workers and our allies can support our overseas LGBT+ family to improve international LGBT+ equality.
TUC Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender+ Conference