Received from: AUE
Merged into composite 16
Congress notes that:
i. Art and culture are an essential part of human life, central to education, health and wellbeing.
ii. The Conservative policy of austerity has resulted in massive cuts in arts funding, both nationally in schools and colleges and regionally in arts education and arts services funded by councils, including museum funding.
iii. Conservative education policies have resulted in 90 per cent of secondary schools cutting spending in at least one creative subject.
iv. Predicted shifts of labour due to improved technology means we should be directing our efforts towards more cultural and creative work spaces/work lives.
Congress calls on the General Council to campaign for:
a. art subjects to be included in education curriculums for all ages – STEAM not STEM subjects (art as well as science, technology, engineering and maths)
b. increased funding for art education, particularly in colleges and further education, reintroducing no-fee or low-fee courses
c. increased funding for regional and national arts organisations, that work bringing art to deprived areas.
d. increased funding for library, gallery and museum services in local areas
e. the arts to be more central in future economic planning.
Artists’ Union England
- In paragraph 1, insert new sub-paragraph iv. and renumber remaining sub-paragraphs:
“iv. The Conservative government’s policy of deregulation has resulted in thousands of children and
young people being denied access to arts education on the basis of their parents’ ability to pay.” - In paragraph 2, sub-paragraph a., replace “in education
curriculums” with “as a statutory curriculum entitlement” › In paragraph 2, sub-paragraph d., replace “for” with “to continue to ensure free access to” and insert “all” between “in” and “local”.