Received from: EIS
Congress recognises that education is a human right and that inclusive education is the foundation of a just society. Congress also values the work of special schools and special units.
Congress notes the increase in the number of pupils with ASN/SEN in Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland; almost one in four pupils having recognised ASN/SEN needs, including mental health-related needs.
Congress asserts that in order to deliver inclusive education, all schools must be sufficiently staffed and resourced to meet each child’s needs; all staff must have access to training and have protected allocated time to plan how to meet the individual needs of pupils; access to specialist colleagues and resources must be available when needed.
Congress notes the recent EIS report on ASN which concludes that in Scotland these requirements are not being met, echoing similar scenarios in other parts of the UK, where teachers have too little time and many different additional support needs to meet within increasingly large classes; fewer support staff and services, and inadequate resources to meet the needs of the students.
Congress notes that the numbers of ASN/SEN pupils has risen during a time of worsening child poverty; and that disproportionately high numbers of children living in poverty have additional support needs.
Congress instructs General Council to campaign with affiliates and partners for better ASN/SEN resourcing through increased core funding in all jurisdictions in order to support teachers, support staff and specialists to deliver adequate SEN/ ASN provision and mitigate the effects of poverty.
Educational Institute of Scotland