Received from: CWU
Congress believes we face some of the most difficult circumstances in the history of the Labour movement.
As we grapple with the challenge of building a post-Covid-19 and post-Brexit future, we do so knowing that prior to the pandemic there were deep structural imbalances of wealth and power in the world of work, the economy and wider society, that were decades in the making.
Climate change and the fourth industrial revolution will also accelerate the growing sense of insecurity and anxiety that people are feeling over the future.
Against this background, the fundamental question facing all trade unions is how to unite working people, end inequality and build a coalition of support across race, gender and class to deliver change.
This should be a 1945 moment with a new social settlement, not only to rebuild from a crisis but to tackle the very same issues we face today that the Beveridge report highlighted then.
Trade unions must now join together and lead the way through the collective power of campaigning and action to make change happen on the ground.
Congress calls on the General Council to agree a plan before the end of 2021, for cross-union action – as part of a mobilisation strategy for a New Deal for Workers – to stop and reverse the privatisation of the NHS, defend public services, guarantee everyone a living income through the welfare system, establish a fully funded national care service and promote a national mission to abolish in-work poverty.
Communication Workers Union
In the final paragraph, after “welfare system,” insert “return support for disabled people to pre-2010 levels,”
After “care service” insert “, build a new generation of accessible and sustainable public housing to address the affordable housing crisis”