[2023] Motion 72 Solidarity with Ukraine

Composited motion

Received from:

Congress notes with grave concern the horrendous human and environmental cost of the Ukraine conflict. Over 17 million people have been forced to abandon their homes and flee, while many others have lost their lives.

Congress also notes the unsurprising fact that those who suffer most in times of war are the working class, and that the labour movement must do all it can to prevent conflict.

Congress recognises however that is not always possible.
Congress notes that as trade unionists we are inherently anti-imperialistic, and that is our job to fight imperialism and tyranny at every opportunity.

Congress acknowledges that trade unions across Ukraine have shown true solidarity and support by offering shelter and food to refugees. ASLEF has worked closely with Ukrainian rail unions and seen the tremendous work that they have done to support workers in these times of conflict.

Congress notes that re-construction of Ukraine must have labour and union values at its centre.

Congress therefore instructs the General Council to:

i. stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people in the UK, and support them in whatever means available until they can safely return home

ii. support the re-construction and re-development of Ukraine post war, working with Ukrainian trade unions from both trade union centres, the FPU and the KVPU, in order to engage with a wide range of union members and ideas

iii. send solidarity to all Ukrainian trade unionists who are fighting for workers’ rights and against imperialism every day.



› After paragraph 1 insert new paragraph:
“We condemn the aggressive Russian invasion of Ukraine and call for
peace through self-determination for the Ukrainian people.”

› At the end of the paragraph 4, after “opportunity”, add:
“We recognise that a victory for Putin in the Ukraine will be a success for reactionary authoritarian politics across the world.”

› After the paragraph 10, add:
“iv. to support the Ukraine Solidarity Campaign”.
National Union of Mineworkers