Received from: CWU
The past year has seen trade unions and thousands of striking workers take centre stage in the national conversation around the cost-of-living crisis. But workers have come up against well-funded, organised anti-union forces, including the Tory government and union-busting consultancies.
We have seen unacceptable attacks on workers by senior managers who have been paid to break up companies, rather than build them. Gross corporate mismanagement has become the norm and workers have been made to pay the price for profiteering across our economy.
It is clear that employers act in a coordinated fashion and more than ever, the trade union movement needs to act together in fighting back.
Congress believes it is time for unions to have a proper debate about how we can introduce models of trade unionism that can take cooperation, solidarity and the organisation of workers to the next level.
Congress resolves:
i. to complete the TUC review and ensure that democracy is reflected at every level of the TUC
ii. for the TUC General Council to establish and agree a collective bargaining strategy for multiple sectors across the economy, to be published in the next six months
iii. for the TUC to create and endorse trade union-backed media to fight back against the right-wing bias in traditional media and to use this to launch the biggest joint recruitment exercise in recent years
iv. to lobby the Labour Party to adopt the new deal for workers in full on the election of Labour government.
Communication Workers Union