Received from: TUC Young Workers' Conference
As young worker issues become more prevalent, the TUC Young Workers
Conference notes that Congress has adopted 2019 as the Year of Young Workers and believes that a strong and effective TUC Young Workers Forum is necessary to challenge injustice and demonstrate to the next generation of trade unionists the power and influence of the TUC and its affiliates.
Congress commends the changes made to the Young Workers Conference’s own constitution to annually and directly elect the Forum.
Congress calls on the newly elected Forum to conduct a comprehensive review of its own remit to ensure that it can meet the present and future challenges facing young workers as effectively as possible. That review should:
i. actively explore how the Forum’s programme of work can more actively support young worker projects undertaken by individual affiliates, beyond the single priority motion adopted by the Conference itself
ii. consult with affiliates to identify best practice for young member structures and remits and identify appropriate amendments to its own structure and remit
iii. bring a report with associated recommendations to the 2020 Young
Workers Conference.
TUC Young Workers Conference