Received from: ASLEF
Congress welcomes that the Department for Transport admitted that the privatisation of our railways was a failure. It has left us with a fragmented rail system from which many private companies have been able to extract money for shareholders and foreign governments, whilst leaving the public to foot the bill for services when the private operators have failed to deliver them.
Congress believes that the proposals under Great British Railways to move to a concession model are a missed opportunity to truly fix our railways, as the concession model places all the risk on the public purse whilst allowing private operators to still extract profits.
Congress believes that under the current government, rail is not receiving the appropriate investment it needs as has been evidenced with the cutting of HS2 eastern leg and the cutting back of Northern Powerhouse Rail. While the government will claim it wants to level up the country, its actions speak louder.
Congress welcomes ASLEF’s Invest in Rail campaign launched in 2022, which calls for investment in the railways to open new lines, electrify the network, invest in and upgrade current lines and improve access to create a rail network that truly serves the public.
Congress calls on the General Council to:
i. campaign for proper investment in our railways including the reversal of cuts to Northern Powerhouse Rail and HS2
ii. support the rail unions in highlighting the profiteers extracting money from our railways including under the new Great British Railways model.
iii. fully support ASLEF’s Invest in Rail campaign.
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“Congress expresses alarm at the recent mixed messaging emanating from the Labour Party leadership over rail public ownership. Moving away from public ownership would be a betrayal of passengers and workers and Congress calls for the General Council to coordinate political campaigning for public ownership around the forthcoming Transport Bill.”
National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers